Putting Condor in a container: Adapting virtualization techniques to batch systems by Dr. Brian Bockelman, Computer Science & Engineering, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, USA
Putting Condor in a container: Adapting virtualization techniques to batch systems
In a world that could aptly be described as "cloud crazy", it seems quaint and outmoded to be working with batch or grid systems. Despite appearances, the batch system and the cloud are not two discrete entries - rather, there is almost a continuum of techniques that blend and mix virtual machines, virtualization and batch systems. This talk will demonstrate the recent process we have made in porting virtualization techniques to the Condor ecosystem - without using virtual machines. The various techniques implement and discussed are organized into the categories of accounting, resource management, and isolation. To accomplish this, we use modern Linux kernel features such as cgroups and namespaces. The resulting system solves some age old problems in batch systems, and may pleasantly even the most experienced sysadmin.
This colloquium was organized by Nikhef.